Happy Thursday, ya beauties!
Kicking it off this weekend with a shout out to Euphoria. That season 2 finale slapped us, punched us in the gut and stomped all over us. It’s a wonder any of us are still fully functioning. Are we all OK? How do we deal with the PTSD this show has given us? I live in immense gratitude that I am not a teenager in 2022 because LAWD, that shit looks stressful. Anyhoo, kudos to that whole cast and the writers, because some exceptional work is being done on that show.
Things that caught my eye this week
I find politics incredibly frustrating and often infuriating, but no matter what, our lives are governed by it, so blissful ignorance isn’t exactly an option. Over the past week, you’ll probably have noticed that many people have become experts in Eastern European politics seemingly overnight, with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Social media during these times can seem like empathy and activism olympics. I found this article really helpful in cutting through the noise to better understand what the actual issues are that brought the situation there to this point.
Food for Thought
There is a power that lives in you. It’s there all the time. Not just when you’re achieving, not just when you’re nailing life, not only when you feel like you’re bossing it. It’s there in your quiet moments, it’s there in your pain, it’s there when you break down, when you feel like you don’t have anything left. When you feel worthless, when you disappoint yourself, when you’re calling yourself every shitty name under the sun, your power is there, just waiting on you to remember it. You have access to it all the time. And when you flip that switch, it will pull you out of your darkness.
Just wanted to remind you of that.
You should subscribe to the paid edition of The Murmuration because…
In Monday’s paid edition of the newsletter, I’m talking about dealing with ageing parents, the weird space of feeling your parents aren’t really that old, but the reality of them getting up there in years and knowing that you’re going to have to have some difficult conversations. Where do you even start with all that? How do you casually bring up ‘have you made a will?’ in conversation? While hustling and trying to get myself in a good position for my own retirement (albeit 20+ years down the line), I’m having financial anxiety about having to prepare to support my parents should anything bad happen health wise etc. Whew, the circle of life eh? It weighs heavy.
Your Weekly Biggie Smalls (P)update
This week, Biggie wants to let you know you should totally wear that thing that you think is too bold or is inappropriate or you’re waiting for a special occasion to wear. He says, put it on, slink around in it, make today the special occasion. And put red lipstick on, because that makes everything better. He’s a wise one, young Biggie.
Until next week, smile at strangers, spread good vibes, be nice to people.