This is a heavy thing to kick off this newsletter with but quite honestly, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since I read this tweet. There are so many horrendous things happening around the world right now, it can be hard to know where to put your attention and how to adequately advocate/grieve/raise awareness of it all. I am woefully uneducated about the situation in Sudan and am trying to catch up and gain a better understanding.
This news though, of 130 women committing mass suicide to avoid being raped by armed forces - this has stuck with me and nestled its way under my skin. I’m trying to imagine being so terrified, so hopeless, so completely and utterly out of options that you do this. I’m trying to imagine being huddled with 129 other women and us all agreeing this is what we’d do. The waves of sadness that hit me when I think of all that will have been lost with those 130 women, of all that dies with them; their joy, their talent, their sisterhood, their stories.
I find myself sitting and thinking about the lives of these women I never knew, and now never will. I find myself raging mad at the men who know how horrific and terrifying rape is that they use it as a weapon of war. When will all this end?
Things that caught my eye this week
This Vogue article about the writer losing her phone and having to do without it for 72 hours was quite an eye opener. I’m as concerned as the next person about the over-use of my phone. I mainly think about all the ways in which I kill time on my phone though, the endless scrolling and what have you. The article highlights though, just how much we depend on our phones to just make it through daily life (maps, banking, general info, Ubers etc). Though we were all raised in the house phone era, it’s hard to now imagine life without our smartphones, and as someone who is trying to become less dependent on mine, that kinda freaks me out a little.
Food for thought
Stop focusing on that thing that happened that threw you off track a little. Stop telling and re-telling the story as if it’ll result in a different outcome. It happened. Learn what you needed to, grow and move on. Sick of that narrative being a dominant one in your life? Cool, you can stop telling the story whenever you want and start writing your new one. I can’t wait to hear about all your growth, your wins, your happiness - those are the things that are worthy of your pages.
You should upgrade to the paid edition of The Murmuration because….
On Monday’s edition of the letter I’m discussing how Millennial and Gen Z women need to work better together, what we can do to bridge the gap and ensure that equality is felt across the board and how we can elevate and empower each other, rather than tear each other down.
Digging in to some workplace age-gap politics on Monday. Upgrade and join me!
Your Weekly Biggie Smalls (p)Update
This week, Biggie really wants to remind you that, dependent on where you are in the world, Autumn is Autumn-ing pretty hard right now. You should get outside, pack a picnic, take a drive, go and immerse yourself in those gorgeous colours, crunchy leaves and slightly chilly air, before it becomes very chilly air.
Until next week; smile at strangers, spread good vibes, be nice to people.