Happy Thursday, ya beauties!
Each Thursday, I’m coming to you with a roundup of links and things that made me stop doom scrolling on the netz long enough for me to pay attention to them.
Well first things first. Let’s take a frikkin’ second to acknowledge this most excellent murmuration, captured by James Crobie and on the front of the Irish Times last week. Nature can just really blow your mind sometimes eh? Like, how do these birds know to do this? And also, do you think there’s always one at the back who can’t be arsed and is all like ‘ugh, AGAIN with this?!’
This week’s murmurs
Unless you live under a rock, you’ve likely watched the Meghan and Harry interview by now. Makes you long for a socially distanced water cooler gossip fest, doesn’t it? Anyhoo, this article by Patrick Freyne at The Irish Times is a pretty funny take on the whole thing and has the best opening two paragraphs of probably anything I’ve ever read.
There were so many revelations in the interview, some shocking, some not so much. When Meghan described the tabloid story about her supposedly making Kate cry, when really it was the other way around, I was reminded of this piece by Awesome Luvvie about white women weaponising their tears. A must read for all white women.
I found this trans woman’s story of finding herself and seeing Carmela Soprano as somewhat of a muse to be really moving.
I will never tire of badass grandma stories. 93 year old gets revenge on her grandsons who were screwing her out of money? Ohhh, INJECT IT IN MY VEINS!
I shall leave you each week with a picture of my dog, Biggie Smalls, because HAVE YOU SEEN HIS GODDAMN PERFECT FACE?! WHY WOULD YOU NOT WANT TO SEE THAT EVERY WEEK?!
I’ll be back in your inbox on Monday.
Smile at strangers, spread good vibes, be nice to people,