Once that Christmassy haze lifts, we tend to dive into our goals in January like a bull in a china shop; all big plans and dreams and wanting to see results PRONTO.
Wouldn't it be nice to ease your way in? Create some strategies that will keep you focused, intentional and engaged with your desires throughout the year, rather than feeling burnt out by the time February hits?
My 30 day January coaching group helps you do just that. Being in a group with like-minded women, feeling supported and inspired, helps you ease into your year, rather than drop kick the door in.
Conducted through email and WhatsApp, each week, we explore a different theme (from what you want your year to look like, how to break your goals down into achievable bite-sized chunks, whether your year will be about laying foundations or reaping rewards, what patterns you need to let go of, what habits you need to build, and much more) - designed to help you make your year what you really want it to be, in a realistic, achievable way.
It's not about resolutions, it's about building a way of life that feels good.
Still not sure?
Here’s what one of last year’s participants had to say:
"Not only was this a fun group to be a part of, but the insights Bangs provided, along with all of us holding each other accountable made everything feel so much more achievable.
Bangs provides these little nuggets of information and it got me seeing/thinking about things in a totally different light a lot of the time. It’s like I turned the object I was looking at, and was seeing a new side of it.
The best start to my new year. A true highlight. Thank you Bangs!"
- Amanda